中国日报网7月23日电 香港《南华早报》7月21日刊登全球化智库(CCG)高级研究员周小明的评论文章批评美国出于维护霸权的动机,不断挑唆民族与国家间的对立,妄图分裂世界。此举不仅违背道德,更对全球稳定构成严重威胁,可能导致市场分裂、经济衰退、社会不安定以及危害生命等。长远来看,这种分化策略或将埋下安全隐患,对世界的未来走向构成灾难性影响。文章内容摘编如下:Today, divide and rule is practically Washington’s badge when it comes to international relations. As Malaysia’s former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad put it: “The US is fond of having countries opposing each other.” Indeed, Washington appears to have a penchant for encouraging discord in and between countries.如今,分而治之几乎成了美国在国际关系中的标志性手段。正如马来西亚前总理马哈蒂尔·穆罕默德所说:“美国喜欢看到各国相互对立。”事实上,美国似乎热衷于鼓励各国内部和国家之间产生不和。Politically, the Biden administration has classified countries in the world as democracies vs non-democracies based on its own criteria. This “us vs them” approach of favoring some countries and ostracizing others works to stoke ideological confrontation – the effect is to drive a wedge among countries that have otherwise enjoyed cordial ties, such as among the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.政治上,美国政府以自己的标准将世界各国划分为所谓“民主国家”和“非民主国家”,这种“我们与他们”的策略偏袒某些国家,排斥另一些国家,激化了意识形态对抗,使原本关系融洽的国家相互疏远,东盟国家就是一个例子。Economically, Washington is pushing hard for decoupling, setting up exclusive trading blocs like the “Chip 4” semiconductor alliance, and restructuring global supply chains that had otherwise served businesses reasonably well.经济上,美国正在大力推动脱钩,建立“芯片四方联盟”等排他性贸易集团,并重组原本为企业提供良好服务的全球供应链。Militarily, the Biden administration takes pains to build alliances. It supported NATO’s expansion, strengthened both the “Five Eyes” intelligence-sharing alliance (with Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) and the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (with Australia, India and Japan), and created the Aukus pact (with Australia and Britain), in what looks like a Cold War throwback.军事上,美国政府不遗余力地建立联盟,支持北约扩张,加强“五眼联盟”情报合作同盟(与英国、加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰)和四方安全对话机制(与澳大利亚、印度和日本),并签署“奥库斯协议”(与澳大利亚和英国),这看起来像是倒退回冷战时期。On NATO’s decision to expand cooperation with Australia, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea, Moon Chung-in, who was special adviser on foreign affairs and national security to then South Korean president Moon Jae-in, noted earlier this month there could be no logical reason for it except for “propping up US primary in the region”.对于北约决定扩大与澳大利亚、日本、新西兰和韩国的合作,时任韩国总统文在寅的外交和国家安全特别顾问文正仁本月早些时候指出,除了“支持美国在该地区的主要立场”之外,北约此举不可能有任何合理的理由。Admittedly, Washington does not resort to divisive tactics all the time, but it refrains only when it aligns with its geopolitical objectives. In most cases, Washington has opted for division over unity, discord over harmony and war over peace.诚然,美国并非总是诉诸分裂策略,但只有符合其地缘政治目标时,它才会克制。在大多数情况下,美国选择分裂而非团结,选择不和而非和谐,选择战争而非和平。Pitting a country against another serves two purposes. The first is to control and take advantage. For example, when Washington takes sides in a conflict, its backing is intended to tether the party it supports to the US orbit, to help develop and exacerbate its dependence on Uncle Sam, and this can have dangerous consequences.挑拨国家间对抗有两个目的。首先是控制和利用。例如,当美国在冲突中选边站时,目的是将支持对象绑架在美国的轨道上,帮助发展和加剧其对美国的依赖,这可能会带来危险后果。Washington’s support of Ukraine in the Ukraine conflict, for example, has rendered Kyiv a pawn in the geopolitical contest between the West and Russia. The intervention has also strengthened Washington’s grip on the European Union, making the bloc more reliant on the US in energy and security, and increasing the likelihood of the EU being drawn into a direct military conflict.例如,美国在俄乌冲突中支持乌克兰,使乌克兰成为西方与俄罗斯地缘政治较量中的棋子。这种干预还加强了美国对欧盟的控制,使欧盟在能源和安全方面更加依赖美国,并增加了欧盟被卷入直接军事冲突的可能性。The second purpose of pitting a country against another is to weaken, particularly one’s adversary.美国挑起国家之间对抗的第二个目的是削弱某个国家,特别是削弱自己的对手。Years of US support for Saudi Arabia against Iran has had the effect of perpetuating hostilities between the Shiite and Sunni Muslims in the Middle East. US efforts to enfeeble North Korea has only led to heightened tensions on the Korean peninsula.多年来,美国支持沙特阿拉伯对抗伊朗,导致中东什叶派和逊尼派之间的敌对状态持续存在。美国削弱朝鲜的行动只会加剧朝鲜半岛的紧张局势。US actions have also led to civil strife in other countries, often in the name of promoting democracy and human rights. The US has been accused of orchestrating “color revolutions” and even Arab spring, with devastating consequences for countries such as Libya: disorder, recession and untold suffering.美国还常打着“民主”、“人权”的幌子,在其他国家制造内乱。美国被指控策划“颜色革命”,策动“阿拉伯之春”,给利比亚等国家带来了灾难性的后果,导致这些国家陷入混乱、衰退和难以言喻的苦难。In a recent interview, Columbia University’s Professor Jeffrey Sachs said Washington had been involved in more than 80 regime change operations around the world since 1947.哥伦比亚大学教授杰弗里·萨克斯最近在接受采访时表示,自1947年以来,美国参与了全球80多次政权更迭行动。Washington’s efforts to play peoples and countries off against one another is surely driven by its burning desire to hold on to its hegemony. A world divided is easier to control. But such a policy is not just immoral – it is calamitous for the world.美国挑拨民族和国家之间的对抗,无疑是出于其对霸权的强烈渴望。分裂的世界更容易控制。但这样的政策不仅不道德,对世界来说更是灾难性的。It means market fragmentation, economic destruction, social upheaval, loss of lives, and, above all, it could eventually trigger another world war. Washington’s divide and rule could turn into divide and ruin – for the future of the world.这意味着市场分裂、经济崩溃、社会动荡、生命损失,最重要的是,最终可能引发另一场世界大战。对世界的未来而言,美国的分化策略可能会演变为分裂与毁灭。英文来源:南华早报编辑:董静审校:陈丹妮 韩鹤来源:中国日报网
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